We review and re-evaluate our “strategic priorities”, which form the framework for carrying our sustainability performance forward and for the effective execution of all the activities we have already carried out and the decisions we will take in the coming period, with the active participation of our stakeholders at certain periods.

With the participation of our stakeholders, we aim to create sustainable value for all our stakeholders in line with our five strategic priorities: ‘Pioneering Change and Transformation’, ‘Collaboration with Our Stakeholders’, ‘Responsible Management’, ‘Strong Team’ ve ‘Technology & Digital Transformation’.

Stratejik Önceliklerimiz

Strategic Priorities

Prioritised Topics

SDGs Contributed To

Change and Transformation

  • beş
    Organization of high quality and widespread impact research projects
  • iki
    Carrying out activities to raise awareness on integrated thinking and sustainability (environmental, social and corporate governance)
  • on iki
    Contributing to the development of education and training techniques and the quality of education
  • on beş
    Carrying out studies to increase the level of financial literacy

Nitelikli Eğitim Eşitsizliklerin Azaltılması İnsana yakışır iş ve ekonomik büyüme Sorumlu üretim ve tüketim

Responsible Management

  • bir
    Management of the Center within the framework of Corporate Governance Principles (Ethical, transparent, responsible, fair and accountable)
  • on
    Focusing on creating value for the environment and society in all decisions and practices of the Center

İklim Eylemi Barış, adalet ve güçlü kurumlar

Strong Team

  • üç
    Contributing to the training and development of academicians
  • dört
    Prioritizing the health of employees during the pandemic process
  • on bir
    Equality of opportunity and diversity (gender, disability, race, etc.)
  • on dört
    Ensuring student participation in Center activities

Sağlık ve kaliteli yaşam Nitelikli Eğitim Cinsiyet Eşitliği Eşitsizliklerin Azaltılması

Cooperation with Our Stakeholders

  • altı
    Ensuring harmony between the business world and the goals of the Center and developing cooperation
  • yedi
    Ensuring continuous and qualified communication with stakeholders
  • dokuz
    Collaborations and joint projects with public and non-governmental organizations
  • on üç
    Strengthening cooperation with alumni

Sanayi, yenilikçilik ve altyapı Barış, adalet ve güçlü kurumlar Amaçlar için ortaklıklar

Technology & Digital Transformation

  • sekiz
    Digital transformation and adaptation to change

Sanayi, yenilikçilik ve altyapı